From the Heart
A bit of Mom's story...
Before my Mom had me there was another baby girl that didn't make it.
Being Simply Beautiful
A video by Green Renaissance.
Finding Wonderland
Another video by Green Renaissance.
Heavy news day...
Holy shit the goings on in the world right now are weighing heavy.
I'm so sorry to wake you up
This beautiful poem was shared with me this morning by my dear friend Gina. Even in the first few paragraphs it hit me deep and I cried.
We travel through our lives each of us on our own path. As they say, "not all of those paths were paved". For some it seems few of them were. May this sooth your bumps and bruises as it did mine.
Negative or Positive
… there is more to the story.
Putting together the pieces...
Pulling the thread of life and why one acts/reacts as they do is a worthy journey.
Service with a F you?!
In the world of trying to book an appointment and what the fuck is this...
Simple Growth
A video by yamasibon KIWA.
The Celebration Of Your Life
A poem by Jodi L. Daly
When you've been there...
It's just the flu. It's no big deal. Why are you so concerned?
You can tell him No!
This really hit home.